Shawal Mbalire
Electrical and Software Engineering Student
Today is a nice day for Engineering
About Me
I am an Electrical Engineering student at makerere university. I am passionate about research and automation. This shapes my interests such as electronics and technology. Below are some of my achievements. Hopefully they are good enough.
My Experience
I am most excited about my co-authoring a research paper which was published to IEEE Xplore as well as my internships. I hope this page is filled with more cool projects in the future.
Generation Connect Youth Envoy
International Telecommunication Union
8 mos
Aranged Internship
Embedded System Intern
IoT-ra (Internet of Things - Research & Applications) Lab
10 mos
Aranged Internship
Engineering Intern, E waste Recycling Project
1 yr 11 mos
Part of a team working on repurposing e-waste to create functional computers for underprivileged communities. Responsible for woodworking and operating systems.
Computer Trainer
1 mo
Tutored students at netlabs in computer repair, hardware diagnostics, and operating system installation.
Engineering, Software Development and Data analysis intern
Green Hub East Africa Ltd
9 mos
Aranged Internship
Chairperson Makerere University Student Branch
2 yrs 1 mo
Led a team of 9 students in organizing technology and engineering education initiatives, including Arduino training, solar training, programming competition, and leadership training.
Project Assistant 'Green Hub Kampala – e-mobility'
3 mos
Aranged Internship
Undergraduate Researcher
The Marconi Research and Innovations Laboratory
7 mos
Aranged Internship
Communication and Participation Lead
Makerere AI Lab
4 mos
Aranged Internship
Vice Chairperson, Makerere University Redcross Chapter
Uganda Red Cross Society
1 yr
Worked with team in organizing initiatives to provide relief to communities affected by disasters and emergencies.
CEDAT Coordinator
Uganda Red Cross Society
9 mos
Awarded most active coordinator during guild health week for largest blood donation call-out. Responsible for publicizing and encouraging students to attend Red Cross events.
Internship Coordinator
Dojo Hub (SMC) Ltd
3 mos
Aranged Internship
Research Team Member, Low-cost Cloud-based Solution for Black Soldier Fly Rearing
7 mos
Conducted research on developing a low-cost cloud-based solution for black soldier fly rearing. Research paper accepted to IEEE AFRICON 2023.
IEEE PES Day Ambassador
2 mos
Participated in global campaign to promote awareness of sustainable energy. Organized panel session about power and energy in Uganda.
Bount Hack Attendee
Reach Platform
2 mos
Participated in Decentralized Umoja Bount Hack, developing a blockchain-based solution for micropayments in a game.
Retail Salesworker
Zenith Auto Spare Parts Limited
3 yrs 7 mos
Worked as an apprentice in a retail shop selling car spare parts. Responsible for increasing sales, handling customers, providing advice on spare parts, and managing inventory.